Deliverable Corpora Explorer

This app is based on the R package ‘corporaexplorer‘ ( that uses the Shiny GUI framework for dynamic exploration of text collections. This tool has been instrumental in the development of a customised Shiny application that allows comprehensive keyword searches across all DIALOGUES reports. Corpora Explorer allows to handle a wide range of text collections. Our application of this tool specifically for the DIALOGUES project involved compiling all the project reports into a searchable database that facilitates both qualitative and quantitative textual research.


Survey Explorer

This R Shiny application is designed as a dashboard to interactively visualise and explore survey data focused on environmental behaviours and attitudes, which we identified as being relevant to assess energy citizenship. The application provides users with tools to filter and analyse survey responses based on different demographics, such as age and gender.


CAL Report

The Report of CAL surveys is an R Shiny document with interactive elements. The app serves as an overview of survey responses that were collected as part of the CAL workshops.
